Membership sites are growing in popularity day by day. But in order for your membership site to be successful and generate a recurring revenue it needs to offer the members value. In addition, your membership site should have these 5 things.
#1 Total Content Control
Remember, you are in control of what it is people see or do not get to see. For example, you can show the post preview but require membership access for the reader to see the rest of the post. This allows you to instantly upsell using a blog format, which is very handy.
You can also block out specific paragraphs or even certain sentences on your membership site, making it only visible to those who are members. You have all kinds of flexibility to entice non members and please members.
#2 Build a Stylish Welcome Area
You can create a very stylish welcome area that is enticing to both paying members and free members. This is a good area to use to upsell and convert leads into paying members. Remember giving them a ‘taste’ of what you have to offer is a great way to get them as a paying member.
#3 Manage Subscriptions
You are going to need to have control over your members access, duration of membership and free promotions such as a free 7 day trial. In the latter, if they don’t become paying members you will need your system to automatically lock them out. The same applies to members that’s monthly dues don’t go through.
#4 Various Membership Levels
You can offer a number of different membership levels to broaden your reach. You should create different content for the different memberships or you can block content from some levels. You should upgrade or downgrade your members. You should create an upsell page that members see automatically when they try to access something they don’t have the rights to.
#5 Import and Export Members
Your site should make it easy for you to import or export members. You should be able to use a csv file to move memberships around, to download the data, to upload memberships from other membership sites you have, etc.
That’s it – you now have five other things you should ensure that your membership site has available to help improve the likelihood that your membership site will be successful and begin to generate a recurring income for you.
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